Thursday 21 July 2011


Dear Reader,

Today was a fun and successful day. I actually managed to do some cleaning - mainly dusting, and I can tell you that gets into your nose. Our surfaces are pretty messy usually, but we - I had my lovely friend D. help me [she's crazy enough to actually like cleaning] - did a pretty good job. The house hasn't looked this tidy in ages, though I don't actually want to touch my family's stuff, because I'm sure they'll yell at me if I misplace anything. Saturday I will have to vacuum and mob the floors, clean the bathrooms, and that'll pretty much do it. I hope my mum will be pleased :)

Other than that my day involved a lot of playing the Sims. D. and I are crazy enough to sit side by side and play the same - although she has a better version - game. It's actually quite addicting and not very useful at all. That's the thing about games. They're so easy to kill time with, even if you don't intend to. There's something about games that can draw you in, no matter how stupid they are, and we have definitely fallen victim to that same inexplicable thing.

We also tried a new recipe, which I must say is definitely worth repeating. We had potatoes and carrots in the oven, with some olive oil and oregano, and porkchops with thyme, spring onion and red wine :) After that we finished a whole tub of Ben & Jerrys; it's ice cream too good to put away.

Signing off,

P.S. I swear I started writing this before Thursday (i.e. Midnight)

Tuesday 19 July 2011


Dear Reader,

Some people like change, some people don't, but whichever group you belong to, change has an impact on your life whether you want it to or not. Sometimes you can see change coming, but a lot of the time it'll just punch you in the face when you least expect it, and at least for me, disorientate you.

I didn't want to do a blog post tonight after the news of someone stepping down from a position he was the best in. I didn't want to do anything, pretty much, but despite that, I knew I had to. And here I am, writing about change, because it will be a change. We'll adjust, we'll cope and we'll move on, but for the moment it won't motivate me to do what I had planned to do.

Anyway, yesterday and today were good days. I did some cleaning yesterday, made some food - couscous with beef in wine and peppers sauce -, and then watched Harry Potter 3 - I've seen it a million times before, but I'll never get tired of it. Today we went to a Roman Baths Museum, which I'd already been to a few years ago. Back then I didn't like, but this time I did. I must've changed a lot over the years as well. After that we went out to dinner - a Mexican restaurant I'd never been to before, I quite enjoyed that - and then of course... change.

For now I need to sleep on it, and tomorrow I am planning on being productive again.

Signing off,

Monday 18 July 2011

Build a New World

Dear Reader,

I have no excuse for not doing a blogpost yesterday. I had every intention to write one, but I got carried away playing the Sims and before I knew it, it was two in the morning and I realised I had to go to bed.

Yesterday morning I went over to my grandma's; that's always fun. In the late afternoon, my boyfriend - I'll refer to him as J. from now on - and I went over to his house to have dinner. I did suggest we could cook for ourselves, but this was the easy way out and I think his parents like it :) Anyway, between going to my grandma's house and J's house we didn't do much. We watched television again; although I did read some tips on screen writing, which is one step towards actually attempting to write my own script, so yay! I also managed to do some reading. I'm still working my way through Mansfield Park. I absolutely love the book, but it's taking me ages to read it.

In the evening, as I explained, I played the sims - I borrowed it from J - and though it's fun to build the houses, it seems impossible to actually get anymore with your sims, but only one day into it, can't exactly condemn it yet. I am however not planning on playing that much again - usefulness here I come.

Today I'm planning on finishing my book - about 30 more pages to go - and perhaps do some cleaning, but I'm not quite sure on the latter yet.

It seems that my blogposts are getting shorter and shorter, and I wonder if that's a sign. Am I failing? Or am I just too busy to think of something deep and thoughtprovoking?

I'll leave you with these questions ;)

Signing off,

Saturday 16 July 2011

Focus (or Lack Thereof)

Dear Reader,

It's only been a few days, but I'm wondering if I can keep this up. It's so tempting to do nothing useful, even when I know I should do stuff. I actually did some stuff today; cleaned the kitchen counter again, cleaned the coffee table and I went over to my boyfriend's house and had a nice visit with his parents, but other than that, I watched television and talked on msn. I wrote a few things, but not as much as I would've liked. I need to find ways to motivate myself, but I'm not sure how to. Focus is probably the answer, but as you may know, focus is quite a hard thing to achieve.

I doubt the rest of my evening will be much more productive, as we're watching Moonlight right now and I don't think I'll be able to focus while doing that, despite the fact that I've already seen this multiple times.

Tomorrow's a new day, new chances to be productive. I have nothing planned as of yet, but I'm sure I can find some stuff to do. My goal list is still sitting there, mainly untouched, even though a week has already gone by. I think that's a sign I need to get to it. It's not like all of those are a chore, which should make it pretty simple, but I can get so caught up in browsing and chatting on my laptop that I don't get *anything* done.

Today's post is quite short, but I have nothing more to say, probably because I can't really focused on anything, what with Moonlight playing in the background.

Signing off,


Dear Reader,

Two days without a blog post, and unlike Thursday I don't feel bad about it. Of course I said I'd post every day and talk about my day, but these past two days I've been way too busy to sit down and think of something to write. And this is the thing; it's what I said I needed and I succeeded.

Thursday was busy against all expectation; I figured I'd just stay in and do very little, but I ended up going into town with my boyfriend and we stayed out for quite a while, after which we watched a new dvd I'd bought while enjoying a new recipe.

That's another thing I want to try this holiday: new recipes. This one was spaghetti with garlic and hot peppers, but we used noodles instead and added some meat to it. It was quite good if I may say so myself.

Friday was even busier, and I felt I didn't have one moment where I wasn't trying to hurry to get ready. I had to get up at the crack of dawn - seven, which for me is early - to go to my doctor's appointment. I planned on going by bike, and was almost tempted into taking the car, but luckily I trusted the weather forecast and took my bike anyway. After I got home, I skyped my parents so they could talk to my grandma; it was her 80th birthday.

Pilates next. I almost skipped it because I knew it was going to be a busy day but I went anyway and I was glad I did. However afterwards I was a little tired.

I had to go to the café - where we have a big room for parties and stuff, and where my gran's party was taking place - to set up; put up party decorations, balloons and pictures etc, and set up the tables and get flowers for them. People started arriving at half two, starting with close family and my grandma herself. It was after three that more people started flooding in. There was pie to start with, which was quite yummy. In the evening there was food, which I had to help set up and dish out. I think I did quite some standing, and I wasn't wearing the best shoes, but it was a good day. I don't think there was a moment where I was bored. It was a successful party, but by the end of the night, I was knackered.

Today I don't have any plans, except for driving my boyfriend home, and cleaning the kitchen counter - again - and tidying our dinner and coffee table. I also want to do some writing, since I haven't been able to do that in a few days.

Signing off,

Thursday 14 July 2011


Dear reader,

I can't decide if I feel disappointed or successful about yesterday. As you've probably noticed, I didn't write a blog post which of course defeats the purpose of this blog. The thing about plans though, as you probably know, is that they never turn out as you imagined. You can draft up the most careful plan in the world, and you still can't account for all the little unexpected twists.

Take yesterday for example. My mum had filled me in exactly what had to be done for the event at our café yesterday, and as such I was there right in time, after having gone to the store to pick up a few things, and then the other person who had to work told me that it wasn't necessary to stay because there were so few people and she could handle it alone.

I didn't particularly mind, but it just goes to show that no matter how much you plan, you can't know what's actually going to happen.

Despite the fact that I didn't have to work until the evening - I had to come back to help with dinner for those people - it was still quite a busy and successful day. My boyfriend and I went into town, and I ended up buying a nice blouse and hotpants that I've wanted for a few weeks. After that we went back and helped with dinner, after which we had a slow, relaxing night and watched a couple of movies. In all this it then slipped my mind to write this blog post.

Signing off,
- a day late,

P.S. Expect another blog post about today in the evening :)

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Fear of Failing

Dear Reader,

Sometimes I have one of those days where I can’t be bothered to do anything, and today is one of those days. As much as I’m beating myself up about it, I can’t motivate myself enough to actually do something about it. Mind you, it wasn’t an entirely disappointing day because I did do some things that I’d been putting off. I made some phone calls and I sent off some stuff, but overall I didn’t think my day was that useful. I had been planning on going to the store because I needed some stuff, and I’d been fully motivated to take my bike, only to realise that I couldn’t exactly take any freezer stuff home in this heat, and as such I resolved to go by car; a necessary yet disappointing decision.

I know procrastination isn’t simply laziness. I read a script from one of the Doctor Who episodes today and it made me realise that I’m actually terrified to write a script for myself, for fear of failing, and I think, a lot of the time, procrastination is the fear of failing. I know I need to force myself to simply start writing and see what happens, but I think I’m too much of a perfectionist to do that. I’m determined to read a few scripts though, to have some examples, to do some research so that I might attempt to write a short one during the holidays. I could obviously wait until classes start in September, since I’m taking a ‘writing for the screen’ course, but I want to take a stab at one beforehand.

I think I’ll spend the next two hours watching television – I borrowed the first series of Life on Mars from my friend and I actually quite like it – until I have to pick up my boyfriend from the station. Perhaps I’ll find some motivation in me to actually do some writing before that time, but my hope on this isn’t very big. I’m quite excited for tonight, because we’re seeing the last Harry Potter film – the Midnight Showing -; it’s all very sad really and I have a feeling there’ll be tears, but I know that postponing the end isn’t going to make it any better, and I do want to see this film.

Tomorrow, I’m hoping my day’ll be better and more productive. I assume it will be, as I’ll be working at my dad’s café and this gives me more of a sense of usefulness. Plus, I’ll be earning money, which is always handy.

For now, I’ll try to muster up some motivation/inspiration for these posts I’ve got to write to make my day at least a bit more productive.

Signing off,

Monday 11 July 2011

What's this?

To whoever you are as you read this,

If you are expecting thrilling stories of dangerous adventures, of dark and happy times, of the good versus the bad, you should stop procrastinating and get on with your life. This blog will be my way to deal with my procrastination, because I definitely need it. A little bit of procrastination isn't a bad thing, and I acknowledge this, but there are certain things I have to do sometimes, and I want to force myself to do them. Every day I'll try to write a little bit about what I've done that day, and whether I've succeeded - even just a bit - in putting an end to my procrastination. 

Why this blog?

I can't do it by myself. I'm not even expecting anyone to read this, but even the idea that someone out there might be browsing and stumble across this, and find this, and root for me, might be enough to make me do this.

If this sounds familiar to you, then perhaps you've seen Julie and Julia. This is the movie that inspired this blog. Watch it, and you'll know why.

As for my plan. I made a list of goals, as posted to the right, that I definitely want to, or have to, accomplish over the next two months, until I go back to university. It isn't all-inclusive, and there's definitely more to it, but there you go. 

If you're still confused as to what I'm doing, here's an example of a day that I'm actually quite proud of. Yesterday, I didn't actually spend my entire day behind my laptop, but instead I did things. After my parents left for their holiday, I started cleaning my room. For once, it wasn't entirely messy, but it wasn't as clean as I wanted it. I then visited my grandma - who lives next to us - and spend a bit of time there. After I got back home, around noon, I finished my room, and proceeded to make apple sauce from some leftover apples I had, after that I cleaned the kitchen counter and stove. In the afternoon I tagged along with my grandma and great uncle to visit one of their friends, and had a good time there. In the evening I finally allowed myself to turn on my laptop but I didn't immediately get distracted by msn, as I usually do. I managed to do some writing, for the role playing game I do - which I'll definitely mention more often. The rest of the evening I spent watching television and talking to people on msn, but I felt this was more like a reward than a distraction. So there you go, a description of a successful day. 

Today, I actually got up early to go to Pilates, which is quite an achievement for me because I'm usually too lazy to do anything, but I'm determined to work on my physique, and as such I will continue to go to Pilates every week for the next two months.

Anyway, tonight I'll be meeting with a friend, and tomorrow I'll have to make sure I find something other than my laptop to occupy me with during the day.

Signing off,