Saturday 16 July 2011


Dear Reader,

Two days without a blog post, and unlike Thursday I don't feel bad about it. Of course I said I'd post every day and talk about my day, but these past two days I've been way too busy to sit down and think of something to write. And this is the thing; it's what I said I needed and I succeeded.

Thursday was busy against all expectation; I figured I'd just stay in and do very little, but I ended up going into town with my boyfriend and we stayed out for quite a while, after which we watched a new dvd I'd bought while enjoying a new recipe.

That's another thing I want to try this holiday: new recipes. This one was spaghetti with garlic and hot peppers, but we used noodles instead and added some meat to it. It was quite good if I may say so myself.

Friday was even busier, and I felt I didn't have one moment where I wasn't trying to hurry to get ready. I had to get up at the crack of dawn - seven, which for me is early - to go to my doctor's appointment. I planned on going by bike, and was almost tempted into taking the car, but luckily I trusted the weather forecast and took my bike anyway. After I got home, I skyped my parents so they could talk to my grandma; it was her 80th birthday.

Pilates next. I almost skipped it because I knew it was going to be a busy day but I went anyway and I was glad I did. However afterwards I was a little tired.

I had to go to the café - where we have a big room for parties and stuff, and where my gran's party was taking place - to set up; put up party decorations, balloons and pictures etc, and set up the tables and get flowers for them. People started arriving at half two, starting with close family and my grandma herself. It was after three that more people started flooding in. There was pie to start with, which was quite yummy. In the evening there was food, which I had to help set up and dish out. I think I did quite some standing, and I wasn't wearing the best shoes, but it was a good day. I don't think there was a moment where I was bored. It was a successful party, but by the end of the night, I was knackered.

Today I don't have any plans, except for driving my boyfriend home, and cleaning the kitchen counter - again - and tidying our dinner and coffee table. I also want to do some writing, since I haven't been able to do that in a few days.

Signing off,

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