Saturday 16 July 2011

Focus (or Lack Thereof)

Dear Reader,

It's only been a few days, but I'm wondering if I can keep this up. It's so tempting to do nothing useful, even when I know I should do stuff. I actually did some stuff today; cleaned the kitchen counter again, cleaned the coffee table and I went over to my boyfriend's house and had a nice visit with his parents, but other than that, I watched television and talked on msn. I wrote a few things, but not as much as I would've liked. I need to find ways to motivate myself, but I'm not sure how to. Focus is probably the answer, but as you may know, focus is quite a hard thing to achieve.

I doubt the rest of my evening will be much more productive, as we're watching Moonlight right now and I don't think I'll be able to focus while doing that, despite the fact that I've already seen this multiple times.

Tomorrow's a new day, new chances to be productive. I have nothing planned as of yet, but I'm sure I can find some stuff to do. My goal list is still sitting there, mainly untouched, even though a week has already gone by. I think that's a sign I need to get to it. It's not like all of those are a chore, which should make it pretty simple, but I can get so caught up in browsing and chatting on my laptop that I don't get *anything* done.

Today's post is quite short, but I have nothing more to say, probably because I can't really focused on anything, what with Moonlight playing in the background.

Signing off,

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